Michael Kelly Artist Ellis Paul Wins Award!

Congratulations to Ellis Paul who’s latest family release Dragonfly Races won the Silver Metal Award for the Parents Choice Award! This is one of the top awards in the Children’s music world.

“It is nice to see a world-class songwriter focus on kids without lowering either his sights or his standards.”
The Boston Globe

“Dragonfly Races”: Internationally known folk singer-songwriter Ellis Paul makes a welcome foray into children’s music with his first family album, “Dragonfly Races” .
Paul brings acoustic soul and a light touch to road trips, human ingenuity and heart (“Because It’s There”), unity (“The Million Chameleon March”), racing dragonflies, pinwheels and a fairy-tale exposé about the true difference between heroes and monsters (“Abiola”).
LA Times


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Dragonfly Races

Ellis Paul

Michael Kelly Guitars

~ by mkguitars on February 12, 2009.

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